The biggest cheat:
The big cheat was that Adolf Hitler was a jew - jewish origin - and that's certified - and his dealings and services for Zionists are certified too , including a deal to transfer jews to Palastine for building a homeland for them there.
We're not against jews but we were all cheated.
Hitler was the first to propagate and use the term anti-semitism, he and Valhalm Mar (another jewish Zionist), and without Hitler's help and his attacking Russia , the communist Russian Revolution (overall jewish) wouldn't succeed.
A main Zionist philosophy is the Maran (bottom different than surface ), showing Christianity while bottoming Judism . On the surface hatred , deportation for jews – bottom leading to their propagated homeland.Jesus mentioned such as hypocrites.
(note) the gas chambers they propagated for, existed as chambers for burning the already deceased bodies because of the Tiphoid that spread and led to many sickness and deaths, to protect survivors from catching that decease not as propagated.
Very difficult to believe, too much for humanity, but their policy did work, and in this jews themselves were victims as many didn't know they themselves were tools for Zionists palns.
Hitler killed over 35 million persons, : gypsies, gays, moslims, non-arians, This can't be a Christian , a jew , or any human, merely brain-washed Zionist, working for oath of an earthly kingdom for the chosen race. If we check for Arian : the worthy chosen race according to Hitler , we'll discover that Arians are exactly the real European jewish origins, as semitic wouldn't apply to any European jew. As Hitler claimed he was prepairing for the peaceful thousand years (1000), on earth mentioned in Old testemant.
Attaturk other side of a zionist
Original from the jewish Daonama (jewish sects believers in trinity and in practising religion that's not jewish but keeping jews) , says in ultimate liberation , no belief in judgement day, their leader Shabtai Tesvi (17th century) , claimed that he was the Mesiah.
He then adopted Eslam as he said to enter Moslem camp and the more he showed conservatism the more he had followers (the most succesful method to ruin a religion from inside as he believed).
Attaturk was great admirer of shabtai Tesvi , His followers from Turkey El Fatah -girl), were the cause of the end of the Eslamic caliphate and disintegration of moslem states , Attaturk then announced Turkish secular republic .
Many of the Daonama were members of soufism and darawish and helped in spreading soufism in eastern europe.
Bin laden a zionist:
true, BinLaden isn't Saudi Arabian, his origin is from Morroco , jewish origin.
His whole family dealers and agents to U.S.A. and that's from where they got their wealth. Went Saudi Arabia to start bussinees and plan.
Hundreds of BinLaden agents are recruited throughout the world waiting for zero hour to appear.
Rhodes , Sicily, Rhodesia , named after zionists leaders
So are the rhotary clubs named after their lord Rhotari .
Rhodes Cicil John was also emperial stateseman at South Africa (cape assembly).
Rod or rot derived from red symbolizing for them adom or fire.
Rothschild : name of a jewish family (its magnitude of finance), the name derived from a red shield on the house in which the family lived in the ghettos of Frankfurt , it had its branch in Main :France, England and Vienna.
Rotary clubs: derived from rotations at places of business of various members.
also Rota : council of one of departments of the medieval papal orgabization in the vatican.
The big cheat was that Adolf Hitler was a jew - jewish origin - and that's certified - and his dealings and services for Zionists are certified too , including a deal to transfer jews to Palastine for building a homeland for them there.
We're not against jews but we were all cheated.
Hitler was the first to propagate and use the term anti-semitism, he and Valhalm Mar (another jewish Zionist), and without Hitler's help and his attacking Russia , the communist Russian Revolution (overall jewish) wouldn't succeed.
A main Zionist philosophy is the Maran (bottom different than surface ), showing Christianity while bottoming Judism . On the surface hatred , deportation for jews – bottom leading to their propagated homeland.Jesus mentioned such as hypocrites.
(note) the gas chambers they propagated for, existed as chambers for burning the already deceased bodies because of the Tiphoid that spread and led to many sickness and deaths, to protect survivors from catching that decease not as propagated.
Very difficult to believe, too much for humanity, but their policy did work, and in this jews themselves were victims as many didn't know they themselves were tools for Zionists palns.
Hitler killed over 35 million persons, : gypsies, gays, moslims, non-arians, This can't be a Christian , a jew , or any human, merely brain-washed Zionist, working for oath of an earthly kingdom for the chosen race. If we check for Arian : the worthy chosen race according to Hitler , we'll discover that Arians are exactly the real European jewish origins, as semitic wouldn't apply to any European jew. As Hitler claimed he was prepairing for the peaceful thousand years (1000), on earth mentioned in Old testemant.
Attaturk other side of a zionist
Original from the jewish Daonama (jewish sects believers in trinity and in practising religion that's not jewish but keeping jews) , says in ultimate liberation , no belief in judgement day, their leader Shabtai Tesvi (17th century) , claimed that he was the Mesiah.
He then adopted Eslam as he said to enter Moslem camp and the more he showed conservatism the more he had followers (the most succesful method to ruin a religion from inside as he believed).
Attaturk was great admirer of shabtai Tesvi , His followers from Turkey El Fatah -girl), were the cause of the end of the Eslamic caliphate and disintegration of moslem states , Attaturk then announced Turkish secular republic .
Many of the Daonama were members of soufism and darawish and helped in spreading soufism in eastern europe.
Bin laden a zionist:
true, BinLaden isn't Saudi Arabian, his origin is from Morroco , jewish origin.
His whole family dealers and agents to U.S.A. and that's from where they got their wealth. Went Saudi Arabia to start bussinees and plan.
Hundreds of BinLaden agents are recruited throughout the world waiting for zero hour to appear.
Rhodes , Sicily, Rhodesia , named after zionists leaders
So are the rhotary clubs named after their lord Rhotari .
Rhodes Cicil John was also emperial stateseman at South Africa (cape assembly).
Rod or rot derived from red symbolizing for them adom or fire.
Rothschild : name of a jewish family (its magnitude of finance), the name derived from a red shield on the house in which the family lived in the ghettos of Frankfurt , it had its branch in Main :France, England and Vienna.
Rotary clubs: derived from rotations at places of business of various members.
also Rota : council of one of departments of the medieval papal orgabization in the vatican.
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