Tuesday, January 24, 2006

campaigns against jews

several old campaigns against jews : (sometimes by jews themselves) :

- Ruining Solomon’s temple in 6th c B.C. and jewish exile and slavery to Babelonia. Greek and Egyptain hostility to jews , several masacres and uprisings.

– Ruining the temple again by Roman forces in 70 A.D. by Roman king Agripa who exiled jews and forbid them from entering Jerusalem (Diaspora), though it’s stated there were jews in these forces. Tiberius (jew commander), was a member of this Roman forces ruining the temple and his sister was mistress of Agripa Hirod.

– Also the ruining of the jewish jerisim temple in Naples was by jews who opposed rituals there.
–Also exile of jews from Europe by mid ages whether in Spain, England or western Europe was because of their accusation of the death epidemic that caused the death over third of Europe’s population but not between jews.

–While Russia’s exile of jews at the beginning of the 20th century was because of the uncovering of their Zionists protocols. All this could be termed anti-jewish, but the term anti-semitism was never used before Hitler (Mein Kamp), and Valhalm’s Mar propaganda.


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