Thursday, May 18, 2006


Mafia :
A word of uncertain origin to designate a specific form of criminality which arose on the great landed estates (pontifindie) of Sicily as a result of bad government during a long period of the island’s history and more especially during the disorders consequents on the Napoleonic invasion on south Italy.

Lawless conditions led the owners of large estates to place their lands in the charge of ruffains who exercised despotic powers upon a terrorized peasantry. '
A complicated traditions regulated the mafia based on so called omerta ( from Sicilian meaning man), , the obligation never situated authorities to apply for justice and never to assist in any way in in the detection of crimes against oneself or others , absolue silence was required . In Sept. 1892 about 150 mafiosi were arrested at Catania but the only result was to drive some of the members abroad, with unpleasant results to other countries. In Oct. 1890 David Hennessy , chief police in New Orleans was murdered. Legal inquiries proved the crime to be the work of the mafia, which had been introduced into the united states 30 years before. In 1890 a band of Italians living in New Orleans had ambushed another gang of their fellow country-men belonging to a society called the stoppoghera.

The severe police measures taken brought the venegence of the society upon Hennessy. Since 1860 after the fall of the Bourbon monarchy , the Italian government had endeavoured with varying success to rid Sicily of the mafia.


Wake up the world

It's certain that Dahab terrorism was linked in a way to zionists , and if such terror bears as well the Qaada fingertips ,
then ,
Al Qaada = zionists' agents.
Agents recruited = preferably non-zionists ; namely muslims from the naive , poor, primarily unreligious , or ghost prisoners released ready for suicide to end torture.
Time for the human conscience to realise connecting Qaada to a great reigion is very big crime.
Eslam inocent
Judaism innocent.
Zionism is the agressive revolt of the ufair.
Since the eighties terrorism crimes of such sort plundered Moslem territories attributing it to namely Eslamic groups, a totally new phenomena serving the political goal of excuses for attacking Moslem lands.
Some of zionists plans (protocols of the learned elders of zion ) (or international plot), is replacing Eslamic culture with theirs ; a strategy of destruction then rehabilitation and construction according to the zionists' world control theory.
Zionists blame both Christians and Moslems for their misfortunes, while they ought to blame first themselves for their agression and impatience against Lord's Will.
Semetic jews = Arian (Persian, Turks and Kurdish), and Arabian jews.
And as researches say, jews compromise not more than 10% of the semites of the world., and there's little of semetic heredity left in most jews for they have joined with the people of every nation which they have lived.
After deciding on the jewish issue , the learned zions propagated for Palestine as as jewish destiny land.
In 1873 it was spread in Russia that jews were using christian blood for the manufacture of their eastern bread , which caused Russians to attack jewish quarters in more than 167 Russian towns and villages , specially after the uncovering of their protocols of the learned elders of zions. Many had it an excuse for immigrating to Palestine.
While in the west nazists appeared at Germany gathering jews for deportation to Palestine.
In the middle ages jews were blamed for the black plaque.


Some Jewish groups :

Samarians (Ben Joseph) offsprimg of samaraa who didn't leave after its destruction 722 B.C.
BuiltJeroseen templeon Naples hill which Hercanaus ruined 128 B.C. they tried tobuild it again but was ruined by the Romans 67 B.C.

Therapists : were in Mariot Alexndria in 1 A.D. .interested in numbers and its sumboliccontent , searching for inner symbolic meanings for texts.

Magharia :jews hiding their bookss in caves

Asianies : (hasidin), thweir worship towards the sun . Affected by hellenic philosophy and physogorus -Brahmas, buddhists.

Mandaei (Sabei) : ghonus in Iraq and Iran (Saeba).

Shareiah Noah : Mordakhai Noah presented the Ararat project in grand islands ,niagra falls, and put its corner stone in saint Paul's church in Bafalo. He said that thew good jews will return to Ararat hillafter the tide.
red symbolise sinfor them.

Sedokin : responsible for Christ's trial.

Ghaoerin : they kidnapped and slaughtered anyone who allied with the Romans using death gangs. several uprisings last was the masada who rebelled and sslaughtered Romans then committed suicide.

Dhokhopor : Russians christians , announcing to accept a religion whilesecretly following another.

Raschool : left the orthodox church (mostly peasnats).

Khlesti :hit themselves with srticks (Rasputin).

Greshenki :believed in they're scred by commiting sins .

Maran : believe in the necessity of hiding their believes.

Frankism :(Adom):Jacob Frank their leader namely adopted Eslam in 1757 but was secretly visiting his followers in Padolia (maran). He returned Poland where Shabtai Tesvi's followers elected himtheir leader and mesiah. He then adopted christianity hiding his real Lorianism kabala faith. He was emprisoned in Russia but but freed 1772. .Many of his followers were masons.
he said there must be anotherleader after Tesvi (Daonama), road.He came this road to destroy and ethnic cleanse , and that his followers should take Jesus . their innroad in secrecy. In1759 he pretended to be christain and the catholic church accepted him.
He died 1799 and was burried in catholic graves


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