Friday, May 26, 2006

Wake up the world


Slavery since ancient times , Aristotle held slavery to be necessary and natural and under just conditions to be beneficial to both parties in the relation.
p. 774.

In historic Greece there's documentary information. Athens was an important slave market and the state profited by a tax on the sales.
p. 774.

Rome : we have clearly observed that the Roman system of life was that in which slavery had its most natural and relatively legitimate place, and accordingly , it was at Rome , that , as Blair had remarked, ' the institution was more than anywhere else extended in its operations and methodized in its details'.
p. 775.

By the original Roman law , the master was clothed with absolute dominion over the slave, extending to the power of life and death. (patria protestas). p.775.
We have seen that slavery was a fundamental element of the Roman constitution .

Christianity : it is sometimes objected that the christian church did not denounce slavery as a social crime and insist on its abolish , contrary to this happened when the work of conquest was achieved.
p. 777.

Eslam : with the arrival of Eslam , abolishing slavery was called for , as it assured human beings are equal , no difference between black and white.
Abolition of slavery in some countries as Abyssinia and others where the slavery institution was so intemately interwoven in the social life had to happen gradually. 'as the sudden and enforced emancipation would bring ruin and misery to the slaves not less than to their owners'.

Slave -trade :
Spanish colonies : In 1442 Portuguese were exploring the Atlantic coast and they fitted out a large nmber of ships for slave-tradeand built several forts on the African coast. Many negroes were brought into Spain from these Portuguese settlements , and the colonial slave-trade first appears in the introduction of these negroes.

In 1516 king in flanders granted licences to his countries for the importation of negroes into the colonies. "Charles", says Roberston , "granted a patent to one of his flemish favorites , containing an exclusive right of supplying 4000 negroes annually to Haiti , Cuba , Jamaica and Porta Rico ", the favorite sold his patent to Genoise merchant for 25,000 duchats.', these merchants obtained the slaves from the Portuguese , and thus was systemised the slave-trade between Africa and America.
The first Englishman who engaged in the traffic was John Hawkins . The English slave traders were at first all together occupied in supplying the the Spanish settlements.
In 1619 a Dutch ship from Guinea visited Jamestown in Virginia and sold a part of her cargo of negroes to the tobacco planters. Beggining of slavery in British America.
In 1790 , the state of Virginia contained 200, 000 negroes.
p. 779.
British Encyclopedie
The slave African trade of England was being in the hands of exclusive companies .

By 1791 more than half the trade was in British hands.
The hunting of human beings to make them slaves was greatly aggravated by the demand of the European colonies ; sometimes they were exchanged with European commodities.
They often set fire to a village by night and captured the inhabitants while trying to escape.

Only by the 19th century the slavery commerce were called to be abolished and prohibited.


Sorry I suspect
World Conspiracy :

caolition between Charlemagne (west) , and char samanid (east).
Char : is a word meaning seller of or great leader.
Western franks first successive attack on Moslems was 732 - same time the Abbassis (Rawndiis) revolution in the east 732 A.D.
Samanid (claiming their offspring from Sam son of Noah dynasty ).
Samanids = great Abbassid allies.

Shiitte also used to call themselves Char ( plural = churah = an arabic word meaning buying a deal or oneself oath).

Charlemagne's triumphs on Ommiayads in the west coinsided with Abbassids caliphs triumphs on Ommiads in their eastern teritories..
Charlemagne met Harun El Rashid (new Abbassid Caliph) at Rome at his coronation and Harun gave him Jerusalem's keys!
Abbassids claimed to be off springs of Ebn Abbas- their leader was Abo Isaac , a jew who on convert was given the name Abo Moslem by shiitte churah. and claimed his offspring from Ebn Abbas (lie).
He wasn't Arabian , he hated Arabs and was part of a worldwide conspiracy against Moslem Caliphate.

Wars and revolutions :

Most of world revolutions in the christain and Moslem world were incited by zionism. Researchers find great similarity of tactics between crusades and the present zionism .
Why were sometimes jews targeted ? actually protection of jews had always been ensured and ordered by popes and emperors. It was the simple folks who as in the first crusade were taken by religious zeal as a logic reaction.

Anti jewish policy :
is a nominal tactic for achieving zionists' goals. Protecting jews was a law supported and defended by kings, aristocrates and rich burgeoise together with priests throughout ages.; in every city or councils the emperor would issue laws in defence of jews and their protection.
Example : in 315 A.D. afer Constantine proclaimed christianity as religion ofthe Roman states, many jews were convereted , but Constantine isued a law for protection of jews 336 A.D.

During crusades except for the first crusade that was destructive and so zealous to mass public , popes took responsibility of protecting the jews . Later vatican apologised for the jews for the first crusade.

Killing of jews who were blamed for causing the black death epedimcs of the middle ages were despite strict orders of popes , emperors and clergies and german princes.
It usually happened by local populace in the abscence of a strong council that protected jews.

In Spain 1391 atrocities against jews was after a period of weakness of papacy and presence of weak councils.

In the new age during the Russian revolution , christian and moslem properties were looted, while jewish money and properties were ortected. The Balshiv communist revolution was jewish in its origin and arived to protect jews.
A happened during the French revolution.

While the nazis did the jews their great favor of establishing a jewish state in Palestine. Jews then got millions of marks from Germany as compensations for the alleged hollocaust.

Celebrated Christopher Colombus a jew
Origin from jewish parents from Genoa Italy.
Is it reason for his celebrity though he wsn't actually th efirst to reach America..
Glorifying propagation media.


- In 374 A.D. Herod adopted Judism and fled to Rome and who supported him and made him king of Jews. He then rennovated and enlarged their temple though he was discoverd to be building Roman pagan temples in other 70 A.D. after a bloody Jewish revoltin Titos the Roman emperor destroyed the temple.

- Jewish king Agripa II son of Herod joined Titos' army with other jewish generals to destroy the jewish temple at Jerusalem 70 A.D.
Agripa II then fled to Rome and died there.

- Taibirius Alexander (cousin of Philon) was also a jew and was an army general in in Titos' campaign to destroy the temple.

- Agripa II's sister was Titos' misterss and lover.

- In 135 A.D. after another jewish uprising , Hadrian destroyed Jerusalem . Hadrian established Elia Capitolina as new capital of Jerusalem , he banished jews and forbade them from entering it. Jews were scattered around meditterannean. and later Karkala forgave them 212 A.D.

- After Jewish banishment chained to Babel 586 B.C. they refused Zurbabel invitation to Jerusalem.172 B.C.
though Koresh permitted them to leave Babelonia their priests had already created the worldly jewish community in Babelonia that worked at uniting jews worldwide - became more organised.

- In 200 A.D. head of galut was chief of jews in Babel.

- After jews were banished to Babelonia (Iraq) persian koresh adopted judism and the elderly jews considered him the legal heir of David's house and referred to him as their mesiah. and jewish priests used to sacrifice at the altar andpray for the master and leader of zion Koresh. His plan was zionists in its corecalling to unite jews or participate with funds for their plans .

- In the modern age protestants called Europeans and American countries to allow jews to go to Jerusalem as Koresh did.

- As modern zionists failed to convince Iraqis to immigrate to Palestine , they forced them by attacking their communities and temples in Iraq as they did in Egypt , but their crimes were uncovered by some jew who participated in the attacks and were caught at Yemen.

- Jewish priests finished the writing of their Talmud 589 A.D. at Babel Jewish Talmud academy was established at Babelonia (Yeshiva), led by the great philosopher (Gaoun) (Ben Bustani ) his dynasty at Babel. till 12th century moved from Tabria to Jerusalem.


Sorry I suspect :
Big forgery

Orthodox patriarchy or
catholic papacy
zionists heads

shiite groups or
many sunni groups or members
zionists' heads and agents.

Zionists' dens :
- Vatican papcy
-Many Orthodox patriarchs' heads at Constantinople, Russia, Greece , Egypt, etc.
-Shiva (sabaa) tribes at Yemen
- Ethiopian emperial patriarch.
- Agha khans center Indie
- U.S. political lobby
- Imperial heroes
zionists behind.
- Habsburg legacy , and the Bourbon , house of , from which Napoleon offsprang. - the Stuarts.

white = unhidden (newly forged jewish state in Palestine).

Who's Bush taking orders from = zionists' gods.
zionists have the pagan tendency of respecting their leaders and revering them as their gods.
Rome emperor worship.

secret Bermuda triade.

Humanity must stop this danger,
They've got all destructive weapons , motives and convincing propaganda tools , desire for using it against their created enemies , and they've got the record of agression and merciless inhumanity against thier proposed foes , and to them any nonzionist is.


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