Wednesday, September 27, 2006

wake up


slavery since ancient times , Aristotle held slavery to be necessary and natural and under just conditions to be beneficial to both parties in the relation.
p. 774.
In historic Greece there's documentary information. Athens was an important slave market and the state profited by a tax on the sales.
p. 774.
Rome : we have clearly observed that the Roman system of life was that in which slavery had its most natural and relatively legitimate place, and accordingly , it was at Rome , that , as Blair had remarked, ' the institution was more than anywhere else extended in its operations and methodized in its details'.
p. 775.
By the original Roman law , the master was clothed with absolute dominion over the slave, extending to the power of life and death. (patria protestas). p.775.
We have seen that slavery was a fundamental element of the Roman constitution .
Christianity : it is sometimes objected that the christian church did not denounce slavery as a social crime and insist on its abolish , contrary to this happened when the work of conquest was achieved.
p. 777.
Eslam : with the arrival of Eslam , abolishing slavery was called for , as it assured human beings are equal , no difference between black and white.
Abolition of slavery in some countries as Abyssinia and others where the slavery institution was so intemately interwoven in the social life had to happen gradually as the sudden and enforced emancipation would bring ruin and misery to the slaves not less than to their owners'.

Slave -trade :
Spanish colonies : In 1442 Portuguese were exploring the Atlantic coast and they fitted out a large nmber of ships for slave-tradeand built several forts on the African coast. Many negroes were brought into Spain from these Portuguese settlements , and the colonial slave-trade first appears in the introduction of these negroes.

In 1516 king in flanders granted licences to his countries for the importation of negroes into the colonies. "Charles", says Roberston , "granted a patent to one of his flemish favorites , containing an exclusive right of supplying 4000 negroes annually to Haiti , Cuba , Jamaica and Porta Rico ", the favorite sold his patent to Genoise merchant for 25,000 duchats.', these merchants obtained the slaves from the Portuguese , and thus was systemised the slave-trade between Africa and America.
The first Englishman who engaged in the traffic was John Hawkins . The English slave traders were at first all together occupied in supplying the the Spanish settlements.
In 1619 a Dutch ship from Guinea visited Jamestown in Virginia and sold a part of her cargo of negroes to the tobacco planters. Beggining of slavery in British America.
In 1790 , the state of Virginia contained 200, 000 negroes.
p. 779.
British Encyclopedie
The slave African trade of England was being in the hands of exclusive companies .

By 1791 more than half the trade was in British hands.
The hunting of human beings to make them slaves was greatly aggravated by the demand of the European colonies ; sometimes they were exchanged with European commodities.
They often set fire to a village by night and captured the inhabitants while trying to escape.

Only by the 19th century the slavery commerce were called to be abolished and prohibited.


Wake up the world ,

It's certain that Dahab terrorism was linked in a way to zionists , and if such terror bears as well the Qaada fingertips ,
then ,
Al Qaada = zionists' agents.
Agents recruited = preferably non-zionists ;
namely muslims from the naive , poor, primarily unreligious , or ghost prisoners released ready for suicide to end torture.
Time for the human conscience to realise connecting Qaada to a great reigion is very big crime.
Eslam inocent
Judaism innocent.
Zionism is the agressive revolt of the unfair.

Since the eighties terrorism crimes of such sort plundered Moslem territories attributing it to namely Eslamic groups, a totally new phenomena serving the political goal of excuses for attacking Moslem lands.
Some of zionists plans (protocols of the learned elders of zion ) (or international plot), is replacing Eslamic culture with theirs ; a strategy of destruction then rehabilitation and construction according to the zionists' world control theory.
Zionists blame both Christians and Moslems for their misfortunes, while they ought to blame first themselves for their agression and impatience against Lord's Will.
Semetic jews = Arian (Persian, Turks and Kurdish), and Arabian jews.
And as researches say, jews compromise not more than 10% of the semites of the world., and there's little of semetic heredity left in most jews for they have joined with the people of every nation which they have lived.

After deciding on the jewish issue , the learned zions propagated for Palestine as as jewish destiny land.
In 1873 it was spread in Russia that jews were using christian blood for the manufacture of their eastern bread , which caused Russians to attack jewish quarters in more than 167 Russian towns and villages , specially after the uncovering of their protocols of the learned elders of zions. Many had it an excuse for immigrating to Palestine.

While in the west nazists appeared at Germany gathering jews for deportation to Palestine.

In the middle ages jews were blamed for the black plaque.

Mafia :
A word of uncertain origin to designate a specific form of criminality which arose on the great landed estates (pontifindie) of Sicily as a result of bad government during a long period of the island’s history and more especially during the disorders consequents on the Napoleonic invasion on south Italy.

Lawless conditions led the owners of large estates to place their lands in the charge of ruffains who exercised despotic powers upon a terrorized peasantry. '
A complicated traditions regulated the mafia based on so called omerta ( from Sicilian meaning man), , the obligation never situated authorities to apply for justice and never to assist in any way in in the detection of crimes against oneself or others , absolue silence was required . In Sept. 1892 about 150 mafiosi were arrested at Catania but the only result was to drive some of the members abroad, with unpleasant results to other countries. In Oct. 1890 David Hennessy , chief police in New Orleans was murdered. Legal inquiries proved the crime to be the work of the mafia, which had been introduced into the united states 30 years before. In 1890 a band of Italians living in New Orleans had ambushed another gang of their fellow country-men belonging to a society called the stoppoghera.

The severe police measures taken brought the venegence of the society upon Hennessy. Since 1860 after the fall of the Bourbon monarchy , the Italian government had endeavoured with varying success to rid Sicily of the mafia.


Sorry I suspect :
World Conspiracy

caolition between Charlemagne (west) , and char samanid (east).
Char : is a word meaning seller of or great leader.
Western franks first successive attack on Moslems was 732 - same time the Abbassis (Rawndiis) revolution in the east 732 A.D.
Samanid (claiming their offspring from Sam son of Noah dynasty ).
Samanids = great Abbassid allies.

Shiitte also used to call themselves Char ( plural = churah = an arabic word meaning buying a deal or oneself oath).

Charlemagne's triumphs on Ommiayads in the west coinsided with Abbassids caliphs triumphs on Ommiads in their eastern teritories..
Charlemagne met Harun El Rashid (new Abbassid Caliph) at Rome at his coronation and Harun gave him Jerusalem's keys!
Abbassids claimed to be off springs of Ebn Abbas- their leader was Abo Isaac , a jew who on convert was given the name Abo Moslem by shiitte churah. and claimed his offspring from Ebn Abbas (lie).
He wasn't Arabian , he hated Arabs and was part of a worldwide conspiracy against Moslem Caliphate.

Wars and revolutions

Most of world revolutions in the christain and Moslem world were incited by zionism. Researchers find great similarity of tactics between crusades and the present zionism .
Why were sometimes jews targeted ? actually protection of jews had always been ensured and ordered by popes and emperors. It was the simple folks who as in the first crusade were taken by religious zeal as a logic reaction.

Anti jewish policy :
is a nominal tactic for achieving zionists' goals. Protecting jews was a law supported and defended by kings, aristocrates and rich burgeoise together with priests throughout ages.; in every city or councils the emperor would issue laws in defence of jews and their protection.
Example : in 315 A.D. afer Constantine proclaimed christianity as religion ofthe Roman states, many jews were convereted , but Constantine isued a law for protection of jews 336 A.D.

- During crusades except for the first crusade that was destructive and so zealous to mass public , popes took responsibility of protecting the jews . Later vatican apologised for the jews for the first crusade.

- Killing of jews who were blamed for causing the black death epedimcs of the middle ages were despite strict orders of popes , emperors and clergies and german princes.
- It usually happened by local populace in the abscence of a strong council that protected jews.

- In Spain 1391 atrocities against jews was after a period of weakness of papacy and presence of weak councils.

- In the new age during the Russian revolution , christian and moslem properties were looted, while jewish money and properties were ortected. The Balshiv communist revolution was jewish in its origin and arived to protect jews.
- As happened during the French revolution.
- While the nazis did the jews their great favor of establishing a jewish state in Palestine. Jews then got millions of marks from Germany as compensations for the alleged hollocaust.

Some Jewish groups :

Samarians (Ben Joseph) offsprimg of samaraa who didn't leave after its destruction 722 B.C.
BuiltJeroseen templeon Naples hill which Hercanaus ruined 128 B.C. they tried tobuild it again but was ruined by the Romans 67 B.C.

Therapists : were in Mariot Alexndria in 1 A.D. .interested in numbers and its sumboliccontent , searching for inner symbolic meanings for texts.

Magharia :jews hiding their bookss in caves

Asianies : (hasidin), thweir worship towards the sun . Affected by hellenic philosophy and physogorus -Brahmas, buddhists.

Mandaei (Sabei) : ghonus in Iraq and Iran (Saeba).

Shareiah Noah : Mordakhai Noah presented the Ararat project in grand islands ,niagra falls, and put its corner stone in saint Paul's church in Bafalo. He said that thew good jews will return to Ararat hillafter the tide.
red symbolise sinfor them.

Sedokin : responsible for Christ's trial.

Ghaoerin : they kidnapped and slaughtered anyone who allied with the Romans using death gangs. several uprisings last was the masada who rebelled and sslaughtered Romans then committed suicide.

Dhokhopor : Russians christians , announcing to accept a religion whilesecretly following another.

Raschool : left the orthodox church (mostly peasnats).

Khlesti :hit themselves with srticks (Rasputin).

Greshenki :believed in they're scred by commiting sins .

Maran : believe in the necessity of hiding their believes.

Frankism :(Adom):Jacob Frank their leader namely adopted Eslam in 1757 but was secretly visiting his followers in Padolia (maran). He returned Poland where Shabtai Tesvi's followers elected himtheir leader and mesiah. He then adopted christianity hiding his real Lorianism kabala faith. He was emprisoned in Russia but but freed 1772. .Many of his followers were masons.
he said there must be anotherleader after Tesvi (Daonama), road.He came this road to destroy and ethnic cleanse , and that his followers should take Jesus . their innroad in secrecy. In1759 he pretended to be christain and the catholic church accepted him.
He died 1799 and was burried in catholic graves

Celebrated Christopher Colombus a jew
Origin from jewish parents from Genoa Italy.
Is it reason for his celebrity though he wsn't actually th efirst to reach America..
Glorifying propagation media.


Strange :

- In 374 A.D. Herod adopted Judism and fled to Rome and who supported him and made him king of Jews. He then rennovated and enlarged their temple though he was discoverd to be building Roman pagan temples in other 70 A.D. after a bloody Jewish revoltin Titos the Roman emperor destroyed the temple.

- Jewish king Agripa II son of Herod joined Titos' army with other jewish generals to destroy the jewish temple at Jerusalem 70 A.D.
Agripa II then fled to Rome and died there.

- Taibirius Alexander (cousin of Philon) was also a jew and was an army general in in Titos' campaign to destroy the temple.

- Agripa II's sister was Titos' misterss and lover.

- In 135 A.D. after another jewish uprising , Hadrian destroyed Jerusalem . Hadrian established Elia Capitolina as new capital of Jerusalem , he banished jews and forbade them from entering it. Jews were scattered around meditterannean. and later Karkala forgave them 212 A.D.

- After Jewish banishment chained to Babel 586 B.C. they refused Zurbabel invitation to Jerusalem.172 B.C.
though Koresh permitted them to leave Babelonia their priests had already created the worldly jewish community in Babelonia that worked at uniting jews worldwide - became more organised.

- In 200 A.D. head of galut was chief of jews in Babel.

- After jews were banished to Babelonia (Iraq) persian koresh adopted judism and the elderly jews considered him the legal heir of David's house and referred to him as their mesiah. and jewish priests used to sacrifice at the altar andpray for the master and leader of zion Koresh. His plan was zionists in its corecalling to unite jews or participate with funds for their plans .

- In the modern age protestants called Europeans and American countries to allow jews to go to Jerusalem as Koresh did.

- As modern zionists failed to convince Iraqis to immigrate to Palestine , they forced them by attacking their communities and temples in Iraq as they did in Egypt , but their crimes were uncovered by some jew who participated in the attacks and were caught at Yemen.

- Jewish priests finished the writing of their Talmud 589 A.D. at Babel Jewish Talmud academy was established at Babelonia (Yeshiva), led by the great philosopher (Gaoun) (Ben Bustani ) his dynasty at Babel. till 12th century moved from Tabria to Jerusalem.


Sorry I suspect :
Big forgery

Orthodox patriarchy or
catholic papacy
zionists heads

shiite groups or
many sunni groups or members
zionists' heads and agents.

Zionists' dens
- Vatican papcy
-Many Orthodox patriarchs' heads at Constantinople, Russia, Greece , Egypt, etc.
-Shiva (sabaa) tribes at Yemen
- Ethiopian emperial patriarch.
- Agha khans center Indie
- U.S. political lobby
- Imperial heroes
zionists behind.
- Habsburg legacy , and the Bourbon , house of , from which Napoleon offsprang. - the Stuarts.

unhidden (newly forged jewish state in Palestine).

Who's Bush taking orders from = zionists' gods.
zionists have the pagan tendency of respecting their leaders and revering them as their gods.
Rome emperor worship.

secret Bermuda triade

Humanity must stop this danger
They've got all destructive weapons , motives and convincing propaganda tools , desire for using it against their created enemies , and they've got the record of agression and merciless inhumanity against thier proposed foes , and to them any nonzionist is.several old campaigns against jews : (sometimes by jews themselves) :

- Ruining Solomon’s temple in 6th c B.C. and jewish exile and slavery to Babelonia. Greek and Egyptain hostility to jews , several masacres and uprisings.

– Ruining the temple again by Roman forces in 70 A.D. by Roman king Agripa who exiled jews and forbid them from entering Jerusalem (Diaspora), though it’s stated there were jews in these forces. Tiberius (jew commander), was a member of this Roman forces ruining the temple and his sister was mistress of Agripa Hirod.

– Also the ruining of the jewish jerisim temple in Naples was by jews who opposed rituals there.
–Also exile of jews from Europe by mid ages whether in Spain, England or western Europe was because of their accusation of the death epidemic that caused the death over third of Europe’s population but not between jews.

–While Russia’s exile of jews at the beginning of the 20th century was because of the uncovering of their Zionists protocols. All this could be termed anti-jewish, but the term anti-semitism was never used before Hitler (Mein Kamp), and Valhalm’s Mar propaganda.

About Armenia
Armenia:Tiny threads to grasp,1st: it's estimated that Armenia was the place were Etruscans (who paved way for the Roman Empire ) or Eram, immigrated from eastern Asia Armenia.2nd: Armenia was a basic incline for zionism, most of the jews who immigrated to Poland & eastern Europe were from there.3rd: that Armenia was the real immigrating point for jews not palastine, where Urarta's hill(zion), and four rivers were their final destinaltion and not Palastine.4 th : that reason for their punishment during World War One was that Armenians promised to keep faithful to Ottomans during WWI as part of the Ottoman Empire but they betrayed their promise and sided with their enemies.A striking conclusion emerges :that Moslems of previous Ottoman empire were the real victims of horrible ethnic cleansing in the cities that Ottomans were forced out of whether Romania, Bulgaria, eastern Europe & Moslems of the river Don & Volga & the Caucas and various Russian states.

Tolerance in Eslamic world:

It just seems unbelievable how unfair intolerant zionists' propaganda makes of it.

Tolerance in Eslamic world is a fact.

Tolerance in Egypt:

For over fourteen centuries Moslems, Christians and jews had been living as brothers in Eslamic Egypt. Though over 90% of Egypt's citizens chose willingly to enter Eslam with its tolerant spirit, a few christians and jews chose to keep by their old faith and as usual in any moslem country had their full religious freedom and all rights- hardly could this sense of tolerance and brotherhood ever exist in non-moslem countries .

Last riots had been detected as foreign agents planned by hidden zionists as happenned and is planned to in Europe.

denying history of moslem tolerance is mere damn ignorance.
They never killed others because they aren't jews as jews in Palastine or Serbs in the Balkans , for instance . and they'd never do as it's stated there's no force in rligion.

Please keep it clear.

several old campaigns against jews : (sometimes by jews themselves) :

- Ruining Solomon’s temple in 6th c B.C. and jewish exile and slavery to Babelonia. Greek and Egyptain hostility to jews , several masacres and uprisings.

– Ruining the temple again by Roman forces in 70 A.D. by Roman king Agripa who exiled jews and forbid them from entering Jerusalem (Diaspora), though it’s stated there were jews in these forces. Tiberius (jew commander), was a member of this Roman forces ruining the temple and his sister was mistress of Agripa Hirod.

– Also the ruining of the jewish jerisim temple in Naples was by jews who opposed rituals there.
–Also exile of jews from Europe by mid ages whether in Spain, England or western Europe was because of their accusation of the death epidemic that caused the death over third of Europe’s population but not between jews.

–While Russia’s exile of jews at the beginning of the 20th century was because of the uncovering of their Zionists protocols. All this could be termed anti-jewish, but the term anti-semitism was never used before Hitler (Mein Kamp), and Valhalm’s Mar propaganda.

The biggest cheat:

The big cheat was that Adolf Hitler was a jew - jewish origin - and that's certified - and his dealings and services for Zionists are certified too , including a deal to transfer jews to Palastine for building a homeland for them there.

We're not against jews but we were all cheated.

Hitler was the first to propagate and use the term anti-semitism, he and Valhalm Mar (another jewish Zionist), and without Hitler's help and his attacking Russia , the communist Russian Revolution (overall jewish) wouldn't succeed.

A main Zionist philosophy is the Maran (bottom different than surface ), showing Christianity while bottoming Judism . On the surface hatred , deportation for jews – bottom leading to their propagated homeland.Jesus mentioned such as hypocrites.

(note) the gas chambers they propagated for, existed as chambers for burning the already deceased bodies because of the Tiphoid that spread and led to many sickness and deaths, to protect survivors from catching that decease not as propagated.

Very difficult to believe, too much for humanity, but their policy did work, and in this jews themselves were victims as many didn't know they themselves were tools for Zionists palns.
Hitler killed over 35 million persons, : gypsies, gays, moslims, non-arians, This can't be a Christian , a jew , or any human, merely brain-washed Zionist, working for oath of an earthly kingdom for the chosen race. If we check for Arian : the worthy chosen race according to Hitler , we'll discover that Arians are exactly the real European jewish origins, as semitic wouldn't apply to any European jew. As Hitler claimed he was prepairing for the peaceful thousand years (1000), on earth mentioned in Old testemant.

Attaturk other side of a zionist

Original from the jewish Daonama (jewish sects believers in trinity and in practising religion that's not jewish but keeping jews) , says in ultimate liberation , no belief in judgement day, their leader Shabtai Tesvi (17th century) , claimed that he was the Mesiah.

He then adopted Eslam as he said to enter Moslem camp and the more he showed conservatism the more he had followers (the most succesful method to ruin a religion from inside as he believed).

Attaturk was great admirer of shabtai Tesvi , His followers from Turkey El Fatah -girl), were the cause of the end of the Eslamic caliphate and disintegration of moslem states , Attaturk then announced Turkish secular republic .

Many of the Daonama were members of soufism and darawish and helped in spreading soufism in eastern europe.

Bin laden a zionist:
true, BinLaden isn't Saudi Arabian, his origin is from Morroco , jewish origin.
His whole family dealers and agents to U.S.A. and that's from where they got their wealth. Went Saudi Arabia to start bussinees and plan.
Hundreds of BinLaden agents are recruited throughout the world waiting for zero hour to appear.

Rhodes , Sicily, Rhodesia , named after zionists leaders
So are the rhotary clubs named after their lord Rhotari .

Rhodes Cicil John was also emperial stateseman at South Africa (cape assembly).
Rod or rot derived from red symbolizing for them adom or fire.
Rothschild : name of a jewish family (its magnitude of finance), the name derived from a red shield on the house in which the family lived in the ghettos of Frankfurt , it had its branch in Main :France, England and Vienna.

Rotary clubs: derived from rotations at places of business of various members.

also Rota : council of one of departments of the medieval papal orgabization in the vatican.

Freemasonry :

Charity or terror ?

Some date it from time of Ecluides and time of building Babelonian Towers and Solomon temple. Some dates it to Herod the jewish Roman king of Jerusalem responsible for Jesus crucification order, while some dates it earlier to Ancient Egyptian priests and their aids who had knowledge of secrets of tomb building.Masonry means builders in French .
Its principles are largely conveyed through symbols and allegories committed with the art of building (William Smith, A Pocket companion for Freemasonry)This group organized its plans to fight Christianity, and later against Islam, but hiding after different names.

Its final aim rebuilding the kingdom of Solomon with a Zionist king finally ruling the world. Their shrine is built on Solomon Temple example and its gatherings is composed of 19 brothers (friars). Grade 19 : The Grand Master.

Freemasonry is based on ancient Egyptian beliefs and salvation is attained through rituals resembling those secret rituals of Isis and Osiris.

Secret societies could be applied to the Masonic orders or the ken klux khen in China too . Chinese rituals show a blinding of Taoist Buddhist ideas having analogies with the Egyptian Book of the dead .
The ceremonies symbolize the journey of the soul through the underworld to the city of gods. 4 steps:

1. First comes the traditional history which is given to candidates in the outer room before they enter the lodge.
2. ceremonial washing and changing into white robes symbolizing they are dead - right arm , shoulder and breast, left knee are left bare - master opens and consecrates the lodge.
3. Admission of the candidate who have to pass through gates inside the lodge and take the oath of blood brotherhood by mingling their blood with that of all members present in a cup of wine from which each person present drinks.
4. master asks series of questions which the conductor answers for the candidate.
Stress is laid on numbers which have a mystical significance especially the number seven(7) , that symbolizes victory and the number 32.

The triangle also plays an important part in the ritual. As in the zionist flag.
Throught the world many of the highest distinguished citizens are involoved in Freemasonry. There's a document certifying that the first to introduce masonry to France was Charles Martel , who himself is said to be a Freemason. And it entered Britain at the time of the first constitution by help of priest Alban and king Aethelestan who called on the assembly of dukes and knights …etc.., for the first meeting for the amendment and regulation of the craft.
(Secret Societies by Norman Macenzy).

FreeMasonry is involved greatly in political struggles.

Some of the freemasons were involved in fraternity revolution calls in France 1797. (French Revolution).
And it has its mark by Irish Republican Army that revolted against Britain1789. Also on hellenic revolution to free Greece from Ottomans.T

he Carbotary group in Italy calling for Italian national unity, most its members were freemasons.
And the Russian revolution 1917 was an achievement of freemasonry.
The Fransican movement - fraticelli ( a number of religious groups in Italy) , members of order.

Many of British church clergy are freemasons.A bull was issued in 1223 approving the order of Friars Minor and decreeing that before admission everyone must pass a year's noveteate and that after profession it was unlawful to leave the order.The genesis of Masonry is found in Egypt.

Meaning: being conscripted for work in the crown's large building operations.In Britain ex-castles of Caernvarven or Windsor and cesterican abbeys.Its final aim rebuilding the kingdom of Solomon with a Zionist king finally ruling the world.

Behind Terrorism:

Death underground groups,
Zionists' protocols states they've took precautions in case their plans are uncovered, they've constructed in most world big cities secret underground paths, and electric underground tubes (metroes), by which they can bomb any big city, with its documents and organizations.
Now fingers should be pointed to the real criminals.They've done it in England , in Egypt this was facilitated through their underground paths through Sinai.
Clear they have their underground paths where they can safely practice their bloody rituals and prepare plans to terrorise outsiders they consider unworthy of living.This includes too : meeting places underground palaces, paths under ministries, isolated homes and caves, tombs.
Logic clear :Moslems don't defend themselves for they know religion has nothing to do with such political terrorismTerrorism was created in the west later exported outside.Shame on blaming the innocent.

Zionists' protocols :
Every protocol of those is a terrorist bomb against humanity :
Zionists policies are transferred from generation to another and kept by the bloody oath they undertake.
The book "Zionists danger" printed 1905 by Sergy Nilos uncovered Zionists plans for ruling the world , it was later translated into English by Victor Marson 'Zionists philosophers protocols'.
1. Policies and morals can't go together, hypocrisy and aggression should be the rule.
2. Press media: our weapon for power and with it we gained and gathered the gold.
3. Our strength in keeping workers poor and sick to control them, later we can use their complaints to lead them to riots and revolutions when appropriate.
4. Our enemies are the distinguished nonjews. We must use the grudge of lower classes for revolt, tempt them by money and ranks.
5. We'll lead Christians to utter mess and schism. We are the chosen nation to rule others. We've already caused religious fanaticism and schism between sects through nearly 20 centuries. WE must disarm other nations before we push them to war. Ruin enemies by criticism.
6. We'll raise prices and let caos prevail, encourage drugs and drunkness .
7. Secrecy is what ensures success to our plans. And the diplomate's sayings shouldn't necessarily be parallel to his deeds. We must enslave other nonzionists governments , committing aggression crimes in one of those countries as an exmple , should let others be obedient, by means of terrorism if possible and if they resist we'll answer by the Japanese, Chinese or American weapons.
8. Finance (economy) is the first subject Zionists study. We'll be surrounded by thousands of bankmen , industry businessmen. Everything would be decided according to money.
9. Today we're the legislators and the top men in armies. We recruited men from all sects and creeds (their men just join communists in the east , liberals in the west, Christian groups, moslim sects by pretending to be one of them).
Nonzionists are like sheep and we the wulf. We'll promise to retun their lost freedom , which we'll never do.
11. freemasonry gatherings is the tie for all meetings
12. Controlling press media , magazines, art and propaganda .
13. Try to extract people from reality by any means through press, shallow art and sport competitions, pass time leisures, etc.,
14. Only our religion we accept , therefore any other religion should be destroyed even if this would lead to secularism and nonbelief.
15. We'll finally be in power after raising several coups in different places of the world at the same time and that would lead to increasing arm and police investigations. Increase freemasonry till we usurp world power , later get rid of non-Jewish freemasonry in an undoubtful way.
16. We'll write history to speak about our glories, and omit any wrongdoing we've done, or any criticism directed to our history. In education our agent Baura would introduce his system. We've spoilt nonzionists over the world by false theories and teachings.
17. In time we'll destroy Christians patriarchal supremacy of Vatican without showing ourselves, then we'll appear as peace defenders, forbidding bloodshed and calling for peace to attract people, then we'll never get out of Vatican before the jewish king becomes the real patriarch of world church.
19. Confuse nations by false propaganda about those defending their lands, so they mix between political struggle and crimes.
22. After we've purchased world gold by our policies through generations don't we deserve to lead the world.
23. Destroying all authorities and organizations we've founded as our allies before.
24.Our king would be from David's family surrounded by chosen Zionists philosophers.
The protocols recommended that jews scatter in the world so that people won't notice their destructive plans and activities.
Protocols admit their relation with the Vatican and how they finally plan to rule the world by a chosen Zionist patriarch.
It’s a fact that throughout history no secret dangerous society without jews or Zionists behind:
-Knights of the temple-Red rose-Karamites and Fatimides (with ibn el kadah its head-jewish origion) this group caused wars and friction throughout the Islamic world.-Shiite fundamental groups ,Ibn Shiva (Ebn Sabaa) the jew who claimed his convert to Islam and added jewish elements including the say of inheriting Caliphate (as jews regard concerning David and Aharon), and the say that moslims not joining their group , their blood and money should be allowed (jews consider non-Jewish nations' money, lands , lives and blood permitted to them).
In Christiany they've created different sects claiming to be Christians to destrot Christianity from inside.Zionits' secretary Levi mentioned in California meeting " we'll erase Christianity , then lead the world from our kingdom, after eradicating any other religion".

Friday, May 26, 2006

Wake up the world


Slavery since ancient times , Aristotle held slavery to be necessary and natural and under just conditions to be beneficial to both parties in the relation.
p. 774.

In historic Greece there's documentary information. Athens was an important slave market and the state profited by a tax on the sales.
p. 774.

Rome : we have clearly observed that the Roman system of life was that in which slavery had its most natural and relatively legitimate place, and accordingly , it was at Rome , that , as Blair had remarked, ' the institution was more than anywhere else extended in its operations and methodized in its details'.
p. 775.

By the original Roman law , the master was clothed with absolute dominion over the slave, extending to the power of life and death. (patria protestas). p.775.
We have seen that slavery was a fundamental element of the Roman constitution .

Christianity : it is sometimes objected that the christian church did not denounce slavery as a social crime and insist on its abolish , contrary to this happened when the work of conquest was achieved.
p. 777.

Eslam : with the arrival of Eslam , abolishing slavery was called for , as it assured human beings are equal , no difference between black and white.
Abolition of slavery in some countries as Abyssinia and others where the slavery institution was so intemately interwoven in the social life had to happen gradually. 'as the sudden and enforced emancipation would bring ruin and misery to the slaves not less than to their owners'.

Slave -trade :
Spanish colonies : In 1442 Portuguese were exploring the Atlantic coast and they fitted out a large nmber of ships for slave-tradeand built several forts on the African coast. Many negroes were brought into Spain from these Portuguese settlements , and the colonial slave-trade first appears in the introduction of these negroes.

In 1516 king in flanders granted licences to his countries for the importation of negroes into the colonies. "Charles", says Roberston , "granted a patent to one of his flemish favorites , containing an exclusive right of supplying 4000 negroes annually to Haiti , Cuba , Jamaica and Porta Rico ", the favorite sold his patent to Genoise merchant for 25,000 duchats.', these merchants obtained the slaves from the Portuguese , and thus was systemised the slave-trade between Africa and America.
The first Englishman who engaged in the traffic was John Hawkins . The English slave traders were at first all together occupied in supplying the the Spanish settlements.
In 1619 a Dutch ship from Guinea visited Jamestown in Virginia and sold a part of her cargo of negroes to the tobacco planters. Beggining of slavery in British America.
In 1790 , the state of Virginia contained 200, 000 negroes.
p. 779.
British Encyclopedie
The slave African trade of England was being in the hands of exclusive companies .

By 1791 more than half the trade was in British hands.
The hunting of human beings to make them slaves was greatly aggravated by the demand of the European colonies ; sometimes they were exchanged with European commodities.
They often set fire to a village by night and captured the inhabitants while trying to escape.

Only by the 19th century the slavery commerce were called to be abolished and prohibited.


Sorry I suspect
World Conspiracy :

caolition between Charlemagne (west) , and char samanid (east).
Char : is a word meaning seller of or great leader.
Western franks first successive attack on Moslems was 732 - same time the Abbassis (Rawndiis) revolution in the east 732 A.D.
Samanid (claiming their offspring from Sam son of Noah dynasty ).
Samanids = great Abbassid allies.

Shiitte also used to call themselves Char ( plural = churah = an arabic word meaning buying a deal or oneself oath).

Charlemagne's triumphs on Ommiayads in the west coinsided with Abbassids caliphs triumphs on Ommiads in their eastern teritories..
Charlemagne met Harun El Rashid (new Abbassid Caliph) at Rome at his coronation and Harun gave him Jerusalem's keys!
Abbassids claimed to be off springs of Ebn Abbas- their leader was Abo Isaac , a jew who on convert was given the name Abo Moslem by shiitte churah. and claimed his offspring from Ebn Abbas (lie).
He wasn't Arabian , he hated Arabs and was part of a worldwide conspiracy against Moslem Caliphate.

Wars and revolutions :

Most of world revolutions in the christain and Moslem world were incited by zionism. Researchers find great similarity of tactics between crusades and the present zionism .
Why were sometimes jews targeted ? actually protection of jews had always been ensured and ordered by popes and emperors. It was the simple folks who as in the first crusade were taken by religious zeal as a logic reaction.

Anti jewish policy :
is a nominal tactic for achieving zionists' goals. Protecting jews was a law supported and defended by kings, aristocrates and rich burgeoise together with priests throughout ages.; in every city or councils the emperor would issue laws in defence of jews and their protection.
Example : in 315 A.D. afer Constantine proclaimed christianity as religion ofthe Roman states, many jews were convereted , but Constantine isued a law for protection of jews 336 A.D.

During crusades except for the first crusade that was destructive and so zealous to mass public , popes took responsibility of protecting the jews . Later vatican apologised for the jews for the first crusade.

Killing of jews who were blamed for causing the black death epedimcs of the middle ages were despite strict orders of popes , emperors and clergies and german princes.
It usually happened by local populace in the abscence of a strong council that protected jews.

In Spain 1391 atrocities against jews was after a period of weakness of papacy and presence of weak councils.

In the new age during the Russian revolution , christian and moslem properties were looted, while jewish money and properties were ortected. The Balshiv communist revolution was jewish in its origin and arived to protect jews.
A happened during the French revolution.

While the nazis did the jews their great favor of establishing a jewish state in Palestine. Jews then got millions of marks from Germany as compensations for the alleged hollocaust.

Celebrated Christopher Colombus a jew
Origin from jewish parents from Genoa Italy.
Is it reason for his celebrity though he wsn't actually th efirst to reach America..
Glorifying propagation media.


- In 374 A.D. Herod adopted Judism and fled to Rome and who supported him and made him king of Jews. He then rennovated and enlarged their temple though he was discoverd to be building Roman pagan temples in other 70 A.D. after a bloody Jewish revoltin Titos the Roman emperor destroyed the temple.

- Jewish king Agripa II son of Herod joined Titos' army with other jewish generals to destroy the jewish temple at Jerusalem 70 A.D.
Agripa II then fled to Rome and died there.

- Taibirius Alexander (cousin of Philon) was also a jew and was an army general in in Titos' campaign to destroy the temple.

- Agripa II's sister was Titos' misterss and lover.

- In 135 A.D. after another jewish uprising , Hadrian destroyed Jerusalem . Hadrian established Elia Capitolina as new capital of Jerusalem , he banished jews and forbade them from entering it. Jews were scattered around meditterannean. and later Karkala forgave them 212 A.D.

- After Jewish banishment chained to Babel 586 B.C. they refused Zurbabel invitation to Jerusalem.172 B.C.
though Koresh permitted them to leave Babelonia their priests had already created the worldly jewish community in Babelonia that worked at uniting jews worldwide - became more organised.

- In 200 A.D. head of galut was chief of jews in Babel.

- After jews were banished to Babelonia (Iraq) persian koresh adopted judism and the elderly jews considered him the legal heir of David's house and referred to him as their mesiah. and jewish priests used to sacrifice at the altar andpray for the master and leader of zion Koresh. His plan was zionists in its corecalling to unite jews or participate with funds for their plans .

- In the modern age protestants called Europeans and American countries to allow jews to go to Jerusalem as Koresh did.

- As modern zionists failed to convince Iraqis to immigrate to Palestine , they forced them by attacking their communities and temples in Iraq as they did in Egypt , but their crimes were uncovered by some jew who participated in the attacks and were caught at Yemen.

- Jewish priests finished the writing of their Talmud 589 A.D. at Babel Jewish Talmud academy was established at Babelonia (Yeshiva), led by the great philosopher (Gaoun) (Ben Bustani ) his dynasty at Babel. till 12th century moved from Tabria to Jerusalem.


Sorry I suspect :
Big forgery

Orthodox patriarchy or
catholic papacy
zionists heads

shiite groups or
many sunni groups or members
zionists' heads and agents.

Zionists' dens :
- Vatican papcy
-Many Orthodox patriarchs' heads at Constantinople, Russia, Greece , Egypt, etc.
-Shiva (sabaa) tribes at Yemen
- Ethiopian emperial patriarch.
- Agha khans center Indie
- U.S. political lobby
- Imperial heroes
zionists behind.
- Habsburg legacy , and the Bourbon , house of , from which Napoleon offsprang. - the Stuarts.

white = unhidden (newly forged jewish state in Palestine).

Who's Bush taking orders from = zionists' gods.
zionists have the pagan tendency of respecting their leaders and revering them as their gods.
Rome emperor worship.

secret Bermuda triade.

Humanity must stop this danger,
They've got all destructive weapons , motives and convincing propaganda tools , desire for using it against their created enemies , and they've got the record of agression and merciless inhumanity against thier proposed foes , and to them any nonzionist is.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Mafia :
A word of uncertain origin to designate a specific form of criminality which arose on the great landed estates (pontifindie) of Sicily as a result of bad government during a long period of the island’s history and more especially during the disorders consequents on the Napoleonic invasion on south Italy.

Lawless conditions led the owners of large estates to place their lands in the charge of ruffains who exercised despotic powers upon a terrorized peasantry. '
A complicated traditions regulated the mafia based on so called omerta ( from Sicilian meaning man), , the obligation never situated authorities to apply for justice and never to assist in any way in in the detection of crimes against oneself or others , absolue silence was required . In Sept. 1892 about 150 mafiosi were arrested at Catania but the only result was to drive some of the members abroad, with unpleasant results to other countries. In Oct. 1890 David Hennessy , chief police in New Orleans was murdered. Legal inquiries proved the crime to be the work of the mafia, which had been introduced into the united states 30 years before. In 1890 a band of Italians living in New Orleans had ambushed another gang of their fellow country-men belonging to a society called the stoppoghera.

The severe police measures taken brought the venegence of the society upon Hennessy. Since 1860 after the fall of the Bourbon monarchy , the Italian government had endeavoured with varying success to rid Sicily of the mafia.


Wake up the world

It's certain that Dahab terrorism was linked in a way to zionists , and if such terror bears as well the Qaada fingertips ,
then ,
Al Qaada = zionists' agents.
Agents recruited = preferably non-zionists ; namely muslims from the naive , poor, primarily unreligious , or ghost prisoners released ready for suicide to end torture.
Time for the human conscience to realise connecting Qaada to a great reigion is very big crime.
Eslam inocent
Judaism innocent.
Zionism is the agressive revolt of the ufair.
Since the eighties terrorism crimes of such sort plundered Moslem territories attributing it to namely Eslamic groups, a totally new phenomena serving the political goal of excuses for attacking Moslem lands.
Some of zionists plans (protocols of the learned elders of zion ) (or international plot), is replacing Eslamic culture with theirs ; a strategy of destruction then rehabilitation and construction according to the zionists' world control theory.
Zionists blame both Christians and Moslems for their misfortunes, while they ought to blame first themselves for their agression and impatience against Lord's Will.
Semetic jews = Arian (Persian, Turks and Kurdish), and Arabian jews.
And as researches say, jews compromise not more than 10% of the semites of the world., and there's little of semetic heredity left in most jews for they have joined with the people of every nation which they have lived.
After deciding on the jewish issue , the learned zions propagated for Palestine as as jewish destiny land.
In 1873 it was spread in Russia that jews were using christian blood for the manufacture of their eastern bread , which caused Russians to attack jewish quarters in more than 167 Russian towns and villages , specially after the uncovering of their protocols of the learned elders of zions. Many had it an excuse for immigrating to Palestine.
While in the west nazists appeared at Germany gathering jews for deportation to Palestine.
In the middle ages jews were blamed for the black plaque.


Some Jewish groups :

Samarians (Ben Joseph) offsprimg of samaraa who didn't leave after its destruction 722 B.C.
BuiltJeroseen templeon Naples hill which Hercanaus ruined 128 B.C. they tried tobuild it again but was ruined by the Romans 67 B.C.

Therapists : were in Mariot Alexndria in 1 A.D. .interested in numbers and its sumboliccontent , searching for inner symbolic meanings for texts.

Magharia :jews hiding their bookss in caves

Asianies : (hasidin), thweir worship towards the sun . Affected by hellenic philosophy and physogorus -Brahmas, buddhists.

Mandaei (Sabei) : ghonus in Iraq and Iran (Saeba).

Shareiah Noah : Mordakhai Noah presented the Ararat project in grand islands ,niagra falls, and put its corner stone in saint Paul's church in Bafalo. He said that thew good jews will return to Ararat hillafter the tide.
red symbolise sinfor them.

Sedokin : responsible for Christ's trial.

Ghaoerin : they kidnapped and slaughtered anyone who allied with the Romans using death gangs. several uprisings last was the masada who rebelled and sslaughtered Romans then committed suicide.

Dhokhopor : Russians christians , announcing to accept a religion whilesecretly following another.

Raschool : left the orthodox church (mostly peasnats).

Khlesti :hit themselves with srticks (Rasputin).

Greshenki :believed in they're scred by commiting sins .

Maran : believe in the necessity of hiding their believes.

Frankism :(Adom):Jacob Frank their leader namely adopted Eslam in 1757 but was secretly visiting his followers in Padolia (maran). He returned Poland where Shabtai Tesvi's followers elected himtheir leader and mesiah. He then adopted christianity hiding his real Lorianism kabala faith. He was emprisoned in Russia but but freed 1772. .Many of his followers were masons.
he said there must be anotherleader after Tesvi (Daonama), road.He came this road to destroy and ethnic cleanse , and that his followers should take Jesus . their innroad in secrecy. In1759 he pretended to be christain and the catholic church accepted him.
He died 1799 and was burried in catholic graves

Monday, February 20, 2006

jews and philosophy

jews philosophers :

Alexander was a jew , and he is so sacred to jews, and to some of them Greek philosophers are considered prophets.

The story of Alexander and the Jewish myth:

some consider him the hero who was accompanied by philosophers in his wars .
His teacher was Aristotelis ; some even mix between his story and that of Moses, some say he was the cook, some say it was Alexander and his cook who searched for the sea of immortality, his cook found it and had immortality .
Other stories say that Alexander 's cook had the dolphine wih him and when it touched water it came back to life (jews believe in reincarnation ).

They say Alexander had the title King of two horns because he was taugtht the bottom and outer knoweldge simbolizing ruling the world east and west. Story of yagog and magog: jew say it's the Dam built by Alexander probably at Khazar sea. (Armenia-Urarat).

Jews had a great role in the spreading of Greek philosophy.

BY 3rd century when east and west philosiophy met and spread especially in Alexandria; at that time jews searched in this philosophy what sustains their beliefs , in clash with hellenic philosophy that spread then.
Some as Hermis and Aristopolis tried to mingle between philosophy and religion .
Philon (25 B.C,) assured that truth could be attained by mingling jewish belief and Platonic philosophy as plato had reached the truth ; so did new Aplatonic philosophy in Alexandria 203 A.D. that explained Judism philosphiclly.

about Armenia

About Armenia
Armenia:Tiny threads to grasp,1st: it's estimated that Armenia was the place were Etruscans (who paved way for the Roman Empire ) or Eram, immigrated from eastern Asia Armenia.2nd: Armenia was a basic incline for zionism, most of the jews who immigrated to Poland & eastern Europe were from there.3rd: that Armenia was the real immigrating point for jews not palastine, where Urarta's hill(zion), and four rivers were their final destinaltion and not Palastine.4 th : that reason for their punishment during World War One was that Armenians promised to keep faithful to Ottomans during WWI as part of the Ottoman Empire but they betrayed their promise and sided with their enemies.A striking conclusion emerges :that Moslems of previous Ottoman empire were the real victims of horrible ethnic cleansing in the cities that Ottomans were forced out of whether Romania, Bulgaria, eastern Europe & Moslems of the river Don & Volga & the Caucas and various Russian states.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Tolerance in Eslam

Tolerance in Eslamic world:

It just seems unbelievable how unfair intolerant zionists' propaganda makes of it.

Tolerance in Eslamic world is a fact.

Tolerance in Egypt:

For over fourteen centuries Moslems, Christians and jews had been living as brothers in Eslamic Egypt. Though over 90% of Egypt's citizens chose willingly to enter Eslam with its tolerant spirit, a few christians and jews chose to keep by their old faith and as usual in any moslem country had their full religious freedom and all rights- hardly could this sense of tolerance and brotherhood ever exist in non-moslem countries .

Last riots had been detected as foreign agents planned by hidden zionists as happenned and is planned to in Europe.

denying history of moslem tolerance is mere damn ignorance.
They never killed others because they aren't jews as jews in Palastine or Serbs in the Balkans , for instance . and they'd never do as it's stated there's no force in rligion.

Please keep it clear.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

campaigns against jews

several old campaigns against jews : (sometimes by jews themselves) :

- Ruining Solomon’s temple in 6th c B.C. and jewish exile and slavery to Babelonia. Greek and Egyptain hostility to jews , several masacres and uprisings.

– Ruining the temple again by Roman forces in 70 A.D. by Roman king Agripa who exiled jews and forbid them from entering Jerusalem (Diaspora), though it’s stated there were jews in these forces. Tiberius (jew commander), was a member of this Roman forces ruining the temple and his sister was mistress of Agripa Hirod.

– Also the ruining of the jewish jerisim temple in Naples was by jews who opposed rituals there.
–Also exile of jews from Europe by mid ages whether in Spain, England or western Europe was because of their accusation of the death epidemic that caused the death over third of Europe’s population but not between jews.

–While Russia’s exile of jews at the beginning of the 20th century was because of the uncovering of their Zionists protocols. All this could be termed anti-jewish, but the term anti-semitism was never used before Hitler (Mein Kamp), and Valhalm’s Mar propaganda.

Monday, January 23, 2006

The biggest cheat:

The big cheat was that Adolf Hitler was a jew - jewish origin - and that's certified - and his dealings and services for Zionists are certified too , including a deal to transfer jews to Palastine for building a homeland for them there.

We're not against jews but we were all cheated.

Hitler was the first to propagate and use the term anti-semitism, he and Valhalm Mar (another jewish Zionist), and without Hitler's help and his attacking Russia , the communist Russian Revolution (overall jewish) wouldn't succeed.

A main Zionist philosophy is the Maran (bottom different than surface ), showing Christianity while bottoming Judism . On the surface hatred , deportation for jews – bottom leading to their propagated homeland.Jesus mentioned such as hypocrites.

(note) the gas chambers they propagated for, existed as chambers for burning the already deceased bodies because of the Tiphoid that spread and led to many sickness and deaths, to protect survivors from catching that decease not as propagated.

Very difficult to believe, too much for humanity, but their policy did work, and in this jews themselves were victims as many didn't know they themselves were tools for Zionists palns.
Hitler killed over 35 million persons, : gypsies, gays, moslims, non-arians, This can't be a Christian , a jew , or any human, merely brain-washed Zionist, working for oath of an earthly kingdom for the chosen race. If we check for Arian : the worthy chosen race according to Hitler , we'll discover that Arians are exactly the real European jewish origins, as semitic wouldn't apply to any European jew. As Hitler claimed he was prepairing for the peaceful thousand years (1000), on earth mentioned in Old testemant.

Attaturk other side of a zionist

Original from the jewish Daonama (jewish sects believers in trinity and in practising religion that's not jewish but keeping jews) , says in ultimate liberation , no belief in judgement day, their leader Shabtai Tesvi (17th century) , claimed that he was the Mesiah.

He then adopted Eslam as he said to enter Moslem camp and the more he showed conservatism the more he had followers (the most succesful method to ruin a religion from inside as he believed).

Attaturk was great admirer of shabtai Tesvi , His followers from Turkey El Fatah -girl), were the cause of the end of the Eslamic caliphate and disintegration of moslem states , Attaturk then announced Turkish secular republic .

Many of the Daonama were members of soufism and darawish and helped in spreading soufism in eastern europe.

Bin laden a zionist:
true, BinLaden isn't Saudi Arabian, his origin is from Morroco , jewish origin.
His whole family dealers and agents to U.S.A. and that's from where they got their wealth. Went Saudi Arabia to start bussinees and plan.
Hundreds of BinLaden agents are recruited throughout the world waiting for zero hour to appear.

Rhodes , Sicily, Rhodesia , named after zionists leaders
So are the rhotary clubs named after their lord Rhotari .

Rhodes Cicil John was also emperial stateseman at South Africa (cape assembly).
Rod or rot derived from red symbolizing for them adom or fire.
Rothschild : name of a jewish family (its magnitude of finance), the name derived from a red shield on the house in which the family lived in the ghettos of Frankfurt , it had its branch in Main :France, England and Vienna.

Rotary clubs: derived from rotations at places of business of various members.

also Rota : council of one of departments of the medieval papal orgabization in the vatican.

free masonry

Freemasonry :

Charity or terror ?

Some date it from time of Ecluides and time of building Babelonian Towers and Solomon temple. Some dates it to Herod the jewish Roman king of Jerusalem responsible for Jesus crucification order, while some dates it earlier to Ancient Egyptian priests and their aids who had knowledge of secrets of tomb building.Masonry means builders in French .
Its principles are largely conveyed through symbols and allegories committed with the art of building (William Smith, A Pocket companion for Freemasonry)This group organized its plans to fight Christianity, and later against Islam, but hiding after different names.

Its final aim rebuilding the kingdom of Solomon with a Zionist king finally ruling the world. Their shrine is built on Solomon Temple example and its gatherings is composed of 19 brothers (friars). Grade 19 : The Grand Master.

Freemasonry is based on ancient Egyptian beliefs and salvation is attained through rituals resembling those secret rituals of Isis and Osiris.

Secret societies could be applied to the Masonic orders or the ken klux khen in China too . Chinese rituals show a blinding of Taoist Buddhist ideas having analogies with the Egyptian Book of the dead .
The ceremonies symbolize the journey of the soul through the underworld to the city of gods. 4 steps:

1. First comes the traditional history which is given to candidates in the outer room before they enter the lodge.
2. ceremonial washing and changing into white robes symbolizing they are dead - right arm , shoulder and breast, left knee are left bare - master opens and consecrates the lodge.
3. Admission of the candidate who have to pass through gates inside the lodge and take the oath of blood brotherhood by mingling their blood with that of all members present in a cup of wine from which each person present drinks.
4. master asks series of questions which the conductor answers for the candidate.
Stress is laid on numbers which have a mystical significance especially the number seven(7) , that symbolizes victory and the number 32.

The triangle also plays an important part in the ritual. As in the zionist flag.
Throught the world many of the highest distinguished citizens are involoved in Freemasonry. There's a document certifying that the first to introduce masonry to France was Charles Martel , who himself is said to be a Freemason. And it entered Britain at the time of the first constitution by help of priest Alban and king Aethelestan who called on the assembly of dukes and knights …etc.., for the first meeting for the amendment and regulation of the craft.
(Secret Societies by Norman Macenzy).

FreeMasonry is involved greatly in political struggles.

Some of the freemasons were involved in fraternity revolution calls in France 1797. (French Revolution).
And it has its mark by Irish Republican Army that revolted against Britain1789. Also on hellenic revolution to free Greece from Ottomans.T

he Carbotary group in Italy calling for Italian national unity, most its members were freemasons.
And the Russian revolution 1917 was an achievement of freemasonry.
The Fransican movement - fraticelli ( a number of religious groups in Italy) , members of order.

Many of British church clergy are freemasons.A bull was issued in 1223 approving the order of Friars Minor and decreeing that before admission everyone must pass a year's noveteate and that after profession it was unlawful to leave the order.The genesis of Masonry is found in Egypt.

Meaning: being conscripted for work in the crown's large building operations.In Britain ex-castles of Caernvarven or Windsor and cesterican abbeys.Its final aim rebuilding the kingdom of Solomon with a Zionist king finally ruling the world.

behind terrorism

Behind Terrorism:

Death underground groups,
Zionists' protocols states they've took precautions in case their plans are uncovered, they've constructed in most world big cities secret underground paths, and electric underground tubes (metroes), by which they can bomb any big city, with its documents and organizations.
Now fingers should be pointed to the real criminals.They've done it in England , in Egypt this was facilitated through their underground paths through Sinai.
Clear they have their underground paths where they can safely practice their bloody rituals and prepare plans to terrorise outsiders they consider unworthy of living.This includes too : meeting places underground palaces, paths under ministries, isolated homes and caves, tombs.
Logic clear :Moslems don't defend themselves for they know religion has nothing to do with such political terrorismTerrorism was created in the west later exported outside.Shame on blaming the innocent.

Zionists' protocols :
Every protocol of those is a terrorist bomb against humanity :
Zionists policies are transferred from generation to another and kept by the bloody oath they undertake.
The book "Zionists danger" printed 1905 by Sergy Nilos uncovered Zionists plans for ruling the world , it was later translated into English by Victor Marson 'Zionists philosophers protocols'.
1. Policies and morals can't go together, hypocrisy and aggression should be the rule.
2. Press media: our weapon for power and with it we gained and gathered the gold.
3. Our strength in keeping workers poor and sick to control them, later we can use their complaints to lead them to riots and revolutions when appropriate.
4. Our enemies are the distinguished nonjews. We must use the grudge of lower classes for revolt, tempt them by money and ranks.
5. We'll lead Christians to utter mess and schism. We are the chosen nation to rule others. We've already caused religious fanaticism and schism between sects through nearly 20 centuries. WE must disarm other nations before we push them to war. Ruin enemies by criticism.
6. We'll raise prices and let caos prevail, encourage drugs and drunkness .
7. Secrecy is what ensures success to our plans. And the diplomate's sayings shouldn't necessarily be parallel to his deeds. We must enslave other nonzionists governments , committing aggression crimes in one of those countries as an exmple , should let others be obedient, by means of terrorism if possible and if they resist we'll answer by the Japanese, Chinese or American weapons.
8. Finance (economy) is the first subject Zionists study. We'll be surrounded by thousands of bankmen , industry businessmen. Everything would be decided according to money.
9. Today we're the legislators and the top men in armies. We recruited men from all sects and creeds (their men just join communists in the east , liberals in the west, Christian groups, moslim sects by pretending to be one of them).
Nonzionists are like sheep and we the wulf. We'll promise to retun their lost freedom , which we'll never do.
11. freemasonry gatherings is the tie for all meetings
12. Controlling press media , magazines, art and propaganda .
13. Try to extract people from reality by any means through press, shallow art and sport competitions, pass time leisures, etc.,
14. Only our religion we accept , therefore any other religion should be destroyed even if this would lead to secularism and nonbelief.
15. We'll finally be in power after raising several coups in different places of the world at the same time and that would lead to increasing arm and police investigations. Increase freemasonry till we usurp world power , later get rid of non-Jewish freemasonry in an undoubtful way.
16. We'll write history to speak about our glories, and omit any wrongdoing we've done, or any criticism directed to our history. In education our agent Baura would introduce his system. We've spoilt nonzionists over the world by false theories and teachings.
17. In time we'll destroy Christians patriarchal supremacy of Vatican without showing ourselves, then we'll appear as peace defenders, forbidding bloodshed and calling for peace to attract people, then we'll never get out of Vatican before the jewish king becomes the real patriarch of world church.
19. Confuse nations by false propaganda about those defending their lands, so they mix between political struggle and crimes.
22. After we've purchased world gold by our policies through generations don't we deserve to lead the world.
23. Destroying all authorities and organizations we've founded as our allies before.
24.Our king would be from David's family surrounded by chosen Zionists philosophers.
The protocols recommended that jews scatter in the world so that people won't notice their destructive plans and activities.
Protocols admit their relation with the Vatican and how they finally plan to rule the world by a chosen Zionist patriarch.
It’s a fact that throughout history no secret dangerous society without jews or Zionists behind:
-Knights of the temple-Red rose-Karamites and Fatimides (with ibn el kadah its head-jewish origion) this group caused wars and friction throughout the Islamic world.-Shiite fundamental groups ,Ibn Shiva (Ebn Sabaa) the jew who claimed his convert to Islam and added jewish elements including the say of inheriting Caliphate (as jews regard concerning David and Aharon), and the say that moslims not joining their group , their blood and money should be allowed (jews consider non-Jewish nations' money, lands , lives and blood permitted to them).
In Christiany they've created different sects claiming to be Christians to destrot Christianity from inside.Zionits' secretary Levi mentioned in California meeting " we'll erase Christianity , then lead the world from our kingdom, after eradicating any other religion".